FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner is the prime suspect in a homicide involving a woman he was with the night of her death. Mulder and Scully are all he has to prove his innocence, as superior officers try to shut him down and the only clue is a mysterious old woman.
X档案关闭后,穆德(David Duchovny 大卫•杜楚尼 饰)和斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲•安德森 饰)被分开。穆德受命执行监听工作,斯科莉则回到学院读书。 某日国会议员麦特森(Raymond J. Barry 饰)向穆德透露一条消息,称在波多黎各接收到外星人的电讯。为了在特种部队之前找到外星人的证据,穆德只身前往。得知消息的斯科莉赶到穆德住处,从电脑中的旅客名单中找到线索,尾随来到波多黎各。 在波多黎各阿雷希伯,穆德偶遇一个当地人,并从他手里得到一幅外星人的画。但不久后此人便离奇死去。穆德最终能否找到外星人来访的证据?