In Season Three, amid high-stakes adventures, treasure hunts, arson, kidnappings, and murders, Max and Miranda’s personal tensions and odd-couple partnership are put to the test. Overseeing their cases is the mercurial and volatile Inés Villegas.
武林盟主柳林突然离世,作为独女的柳星辰(金晨饰)被迫继承盟主之位,但她武功属实一般,唯一能打的招式也不足以击退江湖仇家。某天,在被围攻之时,柳星辰误操作父亲传承下来的乌金指环(Galaxy Ring)和折叠屏手机(Galaxy Z Fold6),吓走了仇家。误打误撞中,柳星辰进入了柳家密室,穿越到现代,揭开了尘封已久的家族秘密……
“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday Extreme” will bring eight stories to the screen directed by eight directors in eight episodes of extreme terror with an incredible cast that will give you a series of unexpected fear.