日美(孙艺珍 Ye-jin Son 饰)的母亲在临盆当天死于难产,日美的父亲朱荣大(于东健 YuDong-Geun 饰)独立一人抚养女儿长大,把她视作掌上明珠。和日美青梅竹马的孙太一(车太贤 Tae-hyun Cha 饰)是釜山高中出名的差生,虽然行为大胆,性格叛逆,多次违反校规校纪,却把日美视为今生的唯一。在他向日美表白后,他的班主任,日美的爸爸朱大荣提出了以成绩超过日美为条件的公开招亲来激励太一。而太一决定,为了日美而洗心革面,发奋读书考上了法律学院。原以为到此就可以与日美结婚的太一,又被朱父的软硬兼施逼迫许下承诺,保护日美的处子之身直到他通过初级司法考试。为了考试而专注学习的太一一再的压抑自己对日美的欲望,甚至努力去忽视日美千方百计的示好。然而当埋头苦读的太一终于通过了考试之时,却听说了心爱的日美要与他人结婚的讯息,于是太一开始了挽救初恋的疯狂行动…
Diego and Emilia are a conservative couple with 16 years of marriage who have lost their spark, until Tomas and Betina rescue and introduce them to the forbidden world, changing what they know about intimacy, relationships and sex.
Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular Cheer-lebrity. When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions The Rebels, is challenged to a global cheer showdown by an edgy new team called The Truth, the Cheer Goddess organizes a virtual battle for squads from all around the world. It seems like the whole world ...
The story of a man who goes out looking for hamburgers, while he has a beautiful steak at home. Frank and Eva cant live together, but cant live without each other either. He has sex with every woman he can get, while Eva wants to start a family. She, on the other hand, seeks more stability and wants to start a family. Out of frustration about his behavior, she starts an affai...