The Mystery of Henri Pick 退稿圖書館,館如其名,專收退稿。不得志的作家可以信步走在其他不得志作家的書稿之間,自行選擇上架的位置,在這種乏人問津的形式中找到安身之處。唯一的要求是,作者必須親自寄存書稿,代表某種徹底放棄的最終遺願。退稿圖書館的訪客不多,名聲卻在一群夢想破滅之人之間不脛而走。 這天,上門的是沒沒無聞的作家費德里克,和他的書迷兼編輯兼女友黛兒芬,他們走進這座書稿的墳墓,卻在死氣沉沉的紙堆中,發現了一本餘氣尚存的書稿,名為「亨利.皮克」的作者所寫的小說《一段愛情故事的彌留時刻》。內容描述一對決定分開的戀人最後相處的幾個小時,同時穿插詩人普希金的臨終時刻。故事極其動人,但皮克卻再也無法得知自己擁有仰慕的讀者,因為一則訃聞上同樣寫了他的名字。 愛書的出版人都明白,好書沒有理由不出版。他們前往拜訪皮克的遺孀,卻發現更為戲劇性的故事:皮克可能是一位躲起來寫作的披薩店老闆,除了購物清單之外,沒人看過他寫任何東西。 書稿出版後果然造成轟動,讀者深受感動,媒體更是騷動,大家都想深入了解這位「皮克」,他到底是誰?為何偷偷寫書?又為什麼選擇退稿圖書館做為作品最後的去處?而與此同時,愛情的彌留時刻,似乎也悄悄降臨在這些愛書人身上……
Diego and Emilia are a conservative couple with 16 years of marriage who have lost their spark, until Tomas and Betina rescue and introduce them to the forbidden world, changing what they know about intimacy, relationships and sex.
Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular Cheer-lebrity. When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions The Rebels, is challenged to a global cheer showdown by an edgy new team called The Truth, the Cheer Goddess organizes a virtual battle for squads from all around the world. It seems like the whole world ...
The story of a man who goes out looking for hamburgers, while he has a beautiful steak at home. Frank and Eva cant live together, but cant live without each other either. He has sex with every woman he can get, while Eva wants to start a family. She, on the other hand, seeks more stability and wants to start a family. Out of frustration about his behavior, she starts an affai...